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Although Chinese teachers commonly participate in school-based professional development activities, there is a remarkable scarcity of large-scale quantitative research into the effectiveness of teacher professional development in China, which is characterised as an institutionalised practice. Based on a conceptual framework applying recent research knowledge, this study investigates the relationships between teacher participation in school-based professional development and its individual and school contextual antecedents and effects on teachers and teaching in the context of mainland China. A total of 1506 secondary school teachers responded to a questionnaire survey. The results show that teachers’ willingness to attend teaching research activities and supportive principal leadership facilitated teacher participation. Among the three dimensions of teacher participation, it was collective lesson planning and teacher collegiality, not the frequency of participation, that improved teacher efficacy and the adoption of desirable teaching strategies. These results enrich the knowledge about the characteristics and effectiveness of teacher professional development in China. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   
古代中国的道德教化是指中国封建君主专制社会具有愚民性质的道德教育。道德教化主要是封建专制话语霸权下的一元道德价值和话语的不可通约所致。话语霸权是整个封建专制社会实施愚民教化的主要手段。统治阶级对话语的控制 ,促使封建话语权圈的形成 ,由此构建了统治阶级和平民大众之间无形的两套话语系统 ,从而随心所欲的“化民成俗” ,并抑制其他道德观念的影响。要消解话语霸权下的道德教化关键在于摧毁封建专制统治  相似文献   
教育学派的建构有赖于多方面条件的成熟,虽然近代教育学派在西方诞生以后,议论纷呈,学派蜂起,但传到中国的近百年历史中,却尚未形成中国教育学派。当前教育界某种建构教育党派尝试有待历史的检验。  相似文献   
邹文海作为中国早期杰出的政治学家,其对“自由与权力”的思考详见于他早期的著作和政论中。尽管他的思考是立足于当时的时代背景和政治局势,但是他对于“自由与权力”的种种创造性见解对于今天的政治学研究主题仍具有深远的影响和借鉴意义。邹文海创造性地吸收了社会学、心理学和文化人类学的观点,提出自由是一种心理感觉,权力是建立在人民同意的基础之上的。他从社会习俗的角度出发,对二者进行论证,并辩证地认为自由与权力是一种相反相成的关系。  相似文献   
对《孙子兵法》的非军事研究,以经济领域的应用最早亦最有成就。对有关兵法经营管理方面的文献进行了梳理与简要介绍,总体情况是,中国是将《孙子兵法》用于商业经营最早的国家,但后续研究相对落后;日本是域外《孙子兵法》非军事研究应用最早的国家,成果也最为丰富;韩国兵法经营研究起步较晚,但出现了一批高质量的硕博论文;西方国家如法、英、德对非军事领域的研究起步较晚,但近年相关著作也逐渐增多,大有后来居上之势,特别是美国走在了前列,相继推出了既有理论深度又影响较大的著作。建构兵法经营学是历史的必然,中国作为《孙子兵法》的故乡,应正视差距,以谦虚的态度对待国外的研究成果,利用本土优势,在"兵法经营学"构建中做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   
在研究现有理论的基础上,结合西部生态脆弱贫困区的特点,依据波特竞争优势理论,构建了西部生态脆弱贫困区风力发电竞争优势分析模型,该模型具有六个关键要素和一个辅助要素,各要素之间相互依赖,动态互动;应用该模型对内蒙古翁牛特旗的风力发电产业进行了分析,并针对存在的问题,提出了解决方案。  相似文献   
Using latent growth models, we explored: (a) The effect of middle school students' (n = 189) pre-intervention science self-efficacy and science interest on their initial interest in an Ecosystems Multi-User Virtual Environment (EcoMUVE) and the rate of change in their interest in EcoMUVE; and (b) the mediating effect of students' initial interest in EcoMUVE and rate of change in interest on students' post-intervention science self-efficacy and interest in science. Results showed that: (1) students' pre-intervention self-efficacy for science had an effect both on students' triggered situational interest for EcoMUVE and on students' maintained situational interest for EcoMUVE; (2) both triggering and maintaining situational interest in EcoMUVE were important in developing students' science self-efficacy. In fact, maintained situational interest was the stronger predictor; and (3) maintained situational interest for EcoMUVE translated into individual interest for the science content. Results support and extend social cognitive theory as well as models of interest development.  相似文献   
在新世纪曙光升起前夕,江泽民同志高瞻远瞩提出了"西部大开发"战略.这是事关全局的大战略,要坚决摒弃大开垦;是全国发展的大思路,要坚决摒弃大开采;是可持续发展的大课题,要坚决摒弃大圈地.  相似文献   
目前,IP地址空间不足问题已成为互联网和通信产业发展的瓶颈,事实证明现有的互联网协议IPv4无法满足产业发展的需要.IPv6应运而生,它将以其在IP地址数量、安全性、移动性、服务质量等方面的巨大优势,改变现代信息生活.  相似文献   
对讲授《中国近现代史纲要》课的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据中宣部、教育部关于高校思想政治理论新课程方案的相关规定,《中国近现代史纲要》被列为高校本科生思想政治理论课四门越修课之一。文章从专题讲授、正确处理相关课程的关系、激发学生学习兴趣等方面入手,对上好这门课提出了几点思考。  相似文献   
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